Land Rover Off

Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally

Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally
Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally
Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally
Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally

Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally

Mid engine Land rover v8 comp safari racer. Fully road registered shows as Land Rover Base on V5.

Fully Logged as comp on V5. 3.5 efi manual 14CUX mappable ECU. Fox shocks all round 2x shocks at each wheel.

Oversize rad with twin fans. Oil & ps Cooler at rear. 4 point harness's & race seats.

35L Aluminium fuel cell up front. Wavy Drilled vented disks all round.

Magnicor HT Leads hand made. Well maintained fully overhauled after every outing. Diffs, transfer box, front hubs and gearbox, oils replaced, Coolant, sparkplugs etc. Inlet Plenum & Throttle body fully cleaned out.

Land Rover Off Roader v8 buggy comp safari racer defender 4x4 awd rally